When Opportunity Knocks, Do You Take Action?

When Opportunity Knocks, Do You Take Action?

Want to hear a shocking statistic about getting results? 100% of people who don’t take action don’t reach their goals. Insert shocked face emoji. I know, it’s not exactly groundbreaking stuff but consider this … Yesterday, two things happened...
Unconditional Fitness and Nutrition

Unconditional Fitness and Nutrition

Unconditional love … What a wild phenomenon. If you have kids … do you ever marvel at this concept? Literally, no matter what they do … you love them anyway. I think back to all the dumb shit I did as a child … And my parents never wavered for...
How to Stop Being Overwhelmed

How to Stop Being Overwhelmed

Unpopular opinion: Being overwhelmed is a choice. I’m so overwhelmed I don’t even know where to start! Have you ever said those words? I know I have. When you feel like you’ve got 7 million things to do and you want to make sure everything is done...
What Does Your Best Day Ever Look Like?

What Does Your Best Day Ever Look Like?

That was the best ever. How many times have you experienced the best ever? The best meal ever. The best vacation ever. The best sex ever. Yesterday I was told many times that I had just released the best podcast ever. You can go listen to it for yourself and see if...