Top 10 Ingredients to Achieve Your Goals and WIN

Top 10 Ingredients to Achieve Your Goals and WIN

If you truly want something, it’s not enough to simply declare it. There are a lot of ingredients that are required to make you achieve your goals. Recently, I mentioned that only 5% of people who attempt to lose weight will get the weight off and keep it off....
Two Truths & a Lie: What Are You Telling Yourself?

Two Truths & a Lie: What Are You Telling Yourself?

Why can’t I be like this in every area of my life? That was the question I posed to Mel on our walk yesterday. It was right before tennis and I said to her that I was excited for another opportunity to play and get better. That each time I play I find an area...
10 Mental Roadblocks That Keep You Stuck

10 Mental Roadblocks That Keep You Stuck

Mental roadblocks can keep you from achieving the results you want. Sometimes I just want to be able to drink without consequences, eat anything and everything I want, and still be super lean and shredded. I mean, c’mon, is that too much to ask?! There are...
Change the Frame and Get Better Results!

Change the Frame and Get Better Results!

Change the frame and you can change your results. There are so many things that are out of our control in life. Today, you wake up and you can’t control the weather. You can’t control the other drivers on the road on your way to work and you can’t...
A Perspective Shift Can Lead to Better Results

A Perspective Shift Can Lead to Better Results

What can my toilet teach you about fat loss? Well, the first thing you would learn from my toilet today is that I definitely didn’t eat well over the weekend. Poop jokes aside, there’s actually a valuable lesson to be learned from my toilet and the battle...