What Is Your Inner Dialogue Telling You?

What Is Your Inner Dialogue Telling You?

Successful people have an underrated quality that directly leads to their success. The ability to turn the page quickly. It applies in every area of life … but it especially applies when it comes to achieving your body composition goals. Yesterday, Mel and I...
Stop Obsessing About Your Macros and Start Living!

Stop Obsessing About Your Macros and Start Living!

Remember that incredibly special moment in your life? You know the one I’m talking about. It was probably 4-5 years ago. Such an amazing experience. You can vividly remember the scenery around you. The people you were with. It’s like a crystal clear...
Is the Fat Loss Freedom Workshop For YOU?

Is the Fat Loss Freedom Workshop For YOU?

I hope that wherever you are, it’s a lot warmer than it is here. It’s currently a brisk 23 degrees Fahrenheit, which means it’s likely a 3 coffee day. The cold has definitely thrown a wrench into my step game. I was averaging like 12-15,000 steps per...
Should You Eat That Cupcake?

Should You Eat That Cupcake?

Food provides comfort. It’s not just fuel. It’s not just energy. It’s emotion. It’s social. It’s experience. It’s nostalgic. It’s pleasure. Food does not judge There is no inherent morality attached to food. Eating a cupcake...
Does Your Social Life Fit With Your Nutrition Goals?

Does Your Social Life Fit With Your Nutrition Goals?

Burning question: do you feel like you have to totally give up or at least significantly sacrifice your social life to achieve your fitness goals?? Spoiler: you don’t … but the most common answer is a resounding YES. Here’s why … Often times,...