The Magic & Dark Side of the Dopamine Effect

The Magic & Dark Side of the Dopamine Effect

The bigger the goal, the bigger the dopamine hit. I want you to take a break, for a second, from all of the distractions around you right now. Focus. Take a deep breath. Now close your eyes. I want you to imagine that it’s the end of 2023 and you achieved every...
Can You Skip a Training Day & Still See Results?

Can You Skip a Training Day & Still See Results?

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” I’m sure you’ve heard that saying before but have you ever connected it to your fitness journey? Yesterday I made a post on IG that was inspired by a thought that Mel had with regards to missing...
Introducing Gut Health Problems …

Introducing Gut Health Problems …

I am about to embark on a healing journey. Yesterday, I met with my coach to go over the results of my GI map test and let’s just say … It wasn’t pretty. I’m kind of embarrassed to tell you. Makes me feel like a bit of a fraud. Here’s...