How Long Will It Take to Reach Your Goals?

How Long Will It Take to Reach Your Goals?

Want to know EXACTLY how long it will take you to lose body fat? If you want to know the answer … You’re in the wrong place. No one can precisely tell you how long it will take to reach your goals. Sure, we can venture a best guess but that’s not...
Stop Doing THIS and You’ll Stop Failing

Stop Doing THIS and You’ll Stop Failing

You are setting yourself up for failing without even knowing it. Humans are fascinating. We are messy, imperfect, irrational, biased, creative, imaginative, emotional, and everything in between. We are expected to thrive with an operating system that was built for...
10 Random Thoughts For the Day

10 Random Thoughts For the Day

I’ve got a flight to catch so I’ll be quick and to the point. My brain is racing and sometimes we just need to dump out all of those random thoughts. So here are 10 random thoughts that I’m thinking about this morning … 1. The scale measures...
How to Stop Being Overwhelmed

How to Stop Being Overwhelmed

Unpopular opinion: Being overwhelmed is a choice. I’m so overwhelmed I don’t even know where to start! Have you ever said those words? I know I have. When you feel like you’ve got 7 million things to do and you want to make sure everything is done...
The Mindset Shift That Unlocks Results

The Mindset Shift That Unlocks Results

If you want what most people don’t have … You have to be willing to do things that most people won’t do. Most people don’t maintain a weight they are comfortable with. According to a recent study, approximately 28% of men and 26% of women are...