Change the Frame and Get Better Results!

Change the Frame and Get Better Results!

Change the frame and you can change your results. There are so many things that are out of our control in life. Today, you wake up and you can’t control the weather. You can’t control the other drivers on the road on your way to work and you can’t...
A Perspective Shift Can Lead to Better Results

A Perspective Shift Can Lead to Better Results

What can my toilet teach you about fat loss? Well, the first thing you would learn from my toilet today is that I definitely didn’t eat well over the weekend. Poop jokes aside, there’s actually a valuable lesson to be learned from my toilet and the battle...
Why Self Sabotage Happens and How to Stop It

Why Self Sabotage Happens and How to Stop It

Tired of self sabotage? If so, then this is for you! Have you ever been cruising along, making solid progress, and then seemingly out of nowhere you blow yourself up? I remember several moments where I would wake up after a binge and think … what the hell just...
Here’s the Dark Side of Fitness You Never Knew

Here’s the Dark Side of Fitness You Never Knew

When I tell my story, I often share the insecurities I was riddled with at 250 lbs. The lost identity. The lack of confidence. Not wanting to be seen by anyone for fear of what comments they would make. As I was looking back at old photos … I found a bunch of...