The Neurotype Training & Nutrition Blog

Prioritizing Yourself Leads to BIG Benefits!

Prioritizing Yourself Leads to BIG Benefits!

Have you ever taken a minute to think about all of the various benefits of prioritizing yourself, your health and your fitness? Like, aside from the obvious change in your body composition, what else will you achieve? Seriously, start rattling off all the benefits in...

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Scale Fluctuations Explained In Simple Terms

Scale Fluctuations Explained In Simple Terms

Here's how fat loss ACTUALLY happens ... You put in all this work, nothing changes. You keep going. Then you wake up one day and 10 lbs. of fat melted off your body. Ok, that's not really how it works. But it definitely feels that way sometimes. Unfortunately, it also...

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How to Stop Snacking or Over Indulging

How to Stop Snacking or Over Indulging

If you're struggling with snacking or over indulging, it's probably not because of the reason you think. The most frequent answer when I ask someone why they think it's happening is ... I lack discipline and I can't control myself. Or ... I get stressed and just lose...

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Navigating Emotional Eating and Stress Eating

Navigating Emotional Eating and Stress Eating

If you keep losing progress due to emotional eating or stress eating, the solution is to stop trying to fix those very natural tendencies. Think about it like this ... The background behind emotional eating and stress eating When you're stressed out, your body assumes...

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Neurotyping: A Unique Plan Built for YOU

Neurotyping: A Unique Plan Built for YOU

Open up Spotify right now and look at the first song that pops up. I just did it. Mine was Family Ties by Baby Keem and Kendrick Lamar. Mel and I actually heard that performed live not too long ago and it was a straight banger. The whole Kendrick show was fire. If I...

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10 Key Lessons From Thousands of Success Stories

10 Key Lessons From Thousands of Success Stories

I want to tell you the most common characteristics of highly successful people. I'm not talking about Elon or Bezos or anyone like that. I mean, maybe your goal is to be a billionaire but I'd rather learn from those who are just like me and you. I've been a coach for...

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The Real Solution to Self Sabotage

The Real Solution to Self Sabotage

Self sabotage is a tricky son of a bitch (Quick note: I curse. I curse when I write and I curse when I speak. If that offends you, please unsubscribe). Anyway, it's a topic that comes up a lot when I speak to clients or I speak at events. "I know what I want and I...

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Want the Perfect Abs for Summer?

Want the Perfect Abs for Summer?

You want your abs poppin' for summer? It's probably too late. There's one week left in April which means we're about to head into "oh shit" territory. This is the time of the year when a lot of people recognize that they're not physically where they want to be and...

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