How to Set a Better Example For Your Kids

How to Set a Better Example For Your Kids

Judy wants to drop 25 lbs. for her upcoming beach vacation. She’s been taking her family to the same beach every year for the past decade and has never once felt comfortable in a bikini. Judy decided that this is the year it ends. She’s going to bust her...
Inside the Journal of a Chronic Dieter

Inside the Journal of a Chronic Dieter

I’m going to give you a peek inside the mind of a chronic dieter. I kept a journal during one of the crazy diets I tried several years ago. The structure of the program was to drink 4 protein shakes per day and then eat one meal at dinner between 500-750...
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Fad Diets

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Fad Diets

Have you ever played the game, MFK? Or, more affectionately known as Marry, Fuck, Kill. You pick 3 things and have to choose one to marry, one to fuck, and one to kill. The one you marry, you can never sleep with. The one you fuck, it’s a one and done situation....
Are You Sick and Tired of Unsustainable Dieting?

Are You Sick and Tired of Unsustainable Dieting?

Did you ever play that crazy rubber band game?? We used to play it on the bus in middle school. You would take a rubber band and loop it around your index finger and thumb. Then you’d aim it at your opponent’s arm or leg … Pull back one side of the...
What Does It Mean When the Diet Isn’t Working?

What Does It Mean When the Diet Isn’t Working?

What do you do when the diet isn’t working?? I mean, it hardly seems worth it. You slash calories, get a heavy dose of motivation, work out consistently and … Nothing. Nada. Zilch. The hunger gets annoying pretty quickly. The low energy kind of sucks. You...